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Article: Parasite Cleanses in Australia: Exploring Natural Remedies and Effective Solutions

Parasite Cleanses in Australia: Exploring Natural Remedies and Effective Solutions

Parasite Cleanses in Australia: Exploring Natural Remedies and Effective Solutions

In the constant search for optimal health, Australians are increasingly turning to more natural solutions to address their various wellness concerns. And rightly so! One area gaining significant attention is that of intestinal parasite cleansing. As more and more people in the western world are being clued up about parasites and the havoc they can wreak on our wellness, a holistic approach to promoting digestive health and elimination of parasites for overall wellbeing is being common practice on an annual basis. 


Parasite cleansing involves the removal of harmful parasites from the digestive system, which can negatively impact overall health. Common symptoms of parasitic infections include abdominal discomfort, digestive issues, fatigue, weight gain or loss, mood changes, teeth grinding and itchiness. By adopting a parasite cleanse that involves eradicating and or deworming, Australians can help to support their bodies in maintaining a healthy balance and ultimately prevent potential long-term health issues.

A parasite cleanse involves the use of natural remedies/a herbal remedy and dietary adjustments to rid the body of parasites that may be residing in the digestive system. These parasites, often acquired through contaminated food, water, or contact with infected individuals or animals, can wreak havoc on our digestion and health if left untreated. Symptoms of parasitic infections can range from digestive issues like bloating and abdominal discomfort to fatigue, weakened immunity, and even skin problems.

What is a parasite cleanse and how does it work?

A parasite cleanse is a method used to eliminate parasites from the body. Parasites are organisms that live off another organism, known as a host, and can cause various health issues. The cleanse is typically done using herbal supplements that have antimicrobial properties and can help to eradicate parasites from the body.

The process of a parasite cleanse works by targeting and eliminating parasites within the body. These herbal supplements contain potent ingredients that have been traditionally used for their antiparasitic properties. When consumed, these supplements can help to disrupt the life cycle of parasites, weaken them, and ultimately eliminate them from the body.

During a parasite cleanse, it is important to follow a specific protocol recommended by a professional herbalist or naturopath. This may involve taking a combination of herbs and following a strict diet to create an environment in the body that is inhospitable for parasites to thrive.

Herbs commonly used in parasite cleanses include black walnut, wormwood, cloves, and garlic, among others. These herbs have been traditionally used for their antimicrobial properties and can help to kill parasites or inhibit their growth.

It is important to note that a parasite cleanse should always be done under the guidance of a qualified professional. They will assess your individual needs and recommend a specific protocol tailored to your unique situation. Additionally, it is common to repeat the cleanse multiple times over a period of weeks or months to ensure the complete elimination of parasites.


Australia's diverse climate and outdoor lifestyle create an environment where individuals may be exposed to various parasites. From contaminated water sources or liquids such as tank water, unwashed produce or being exposed to overseas travel and travellers; the risk of parasitic infections is a reality in Australia. We also note, factors such as travel to endemic regions, consumption of undercooked meat, and inadequate hygiene practices can contribute to the risk of parasitic infections. Embracing a parasite cleanse becomes part of proactively addressing these potential health challenges. We encourage parasite cleansing twice per year.

What are the symptoms of a parasitic infection in humans?

Symptoms of a parasitic infection in humans can vary depending on the type of parasite involved and the area of the body affected. Some common symptoms to watch out for include:

  1. Digestive Issues: Parasitic infections can cause a range of digestive problems such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and excessive gas. These symptoms can be persistent and may worsen over time.

  1. Fatigue and Weakness: Parasites feed off nutrients in the body, leading to a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals. This can result in chronic fatigue, weakness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell.

  1. Skin Problems: Certain parasites can cause skin rashes, itching, redness, and swelling. These symptoms may be localized or spread throughout the body.

  1. Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss or difficulty in gaining weight despite adequate food intake can be a sign of a parasitic infection. The parasites may interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrients properly.

  1. Nervous System Issues: In some cases, parasitic infections can affect the nervous system, leading to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and even seizures.

  1. Anemia: Some parasites, such as intestinal worms, can cause anemia by consuming the body's blood cells or disrupting the absorption of iron. Symptoms may include pale skin, weakness, and shortness of breath.

  1. Allergies and Immune Reactions: Parasites can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, causing symptoms like itchy eyes, sneezing, and skin irritation. In severe cases, they may lead to asthma or other respiratory problems.

It is important to note that symptoms may vary from person to person, and not everyone infected with parasites will experience all of these symptoms. Additionally, some parasite infections may be asymptomatic or exhibit very mild symptoms. If you suspect a parasitic infection, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Australians can contract parasitic infections through various means, and the specific mode of transmission depends on the type of parasite. Here are common ways Australians may acquire parasitic infections:

  1. Ingestion of Contaminated Food or Water: Consuming food or water contaminated with parasites or their eggs is a common way to contract certain parasitic infections. This can happen through improperly cooked food, unwashed fruits and vegetables, or contaminated water sources.

  2. Vector-Borne Transmission: Some parasites are transmitted through the bites of infected arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. These vectors may carry parasites that cause diseases like malaria, dengue fever, or leishmaniasis.

  3. Contact with Infected Animals: Parasites can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact with infected animals. This includes petting or handling animals that carry parasites, exposure to animal feces, or consumption of undercooked meat from infected animals.

  4. Skin Contact with Contaminated Soil: Certain parasites, like hookworms, can penetrate the skin when individuals come into contact with contaminated soil. This is more likely in warm and humid environments.

  5. Person-to-Person Transmission: Some parasites, such as those causing intestinal infections, can be transmitted from person to person through the fecal-oral route. This can happen in settings with poor sanitation and hygiene practices.

  6. Inhalation of Infective Particles: Certain parasites may become airborne, and inhalation of infective particles can lead to respiratory infections. This is less common but can occur in specific environmental conditions.

  7. Contaminated Surfaces: Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with parasite eggs or cysts, particularly in areas with poor hygiene, can contribute to the spread of parasitic infections.

Are there any specific Parasites commonly found in Australia that require a cleanse?

While Australia is home to a diverse range of parasites, there are a few specific ones that are commonly found in the country and may require a cleanse. These parasites can affect both humans and animals, so it's essential to be aware of them. Let's take a closer look at some of the common parasites found in Australia and how they can be addressed through cleansing:

1. Hookworm

Hookworm infections are prevalent in Australia, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. These parasites are transmitted through contaminated soil and can enter the body through the skin or by ingesting contaminated food or water. To cleanse the body of hookworms, it is important to follow proper hygiene practices such as washing hands thoroughly and maintaining a clean living environment. Additionally, medications prescribed by a healthcare professional may be necessary to eliminate the parasites.

2. Giardia

Giardia is a microscopic parasite that can be found in the water sources of Australia, including lakes, rivers, and even swimming pools. Ingesting contaminated water or consuming food that has been prepared with contaminated water can lead to giardia infection. To cleanse the body of giardia, it is crucial to ensure that water is properly treated before consumption. Boiling or using water filtration systems can help reduce the risk of infection. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to eliminate the parasite.

3. Threadworm

Threadworm, also known as pinworm, is a common intestinal parasite found in Australia. These tiny worms infect the intestines and lay eggs around the anal region, causing itching and discomfort. Threadworms are easily transmitted from person to person, particularly in crowded environments such as schools or childcare centers. To cleanse the body of threadworms, maintaining good hygiene practices is essential. Regular handwashing, washing bed linens and clothing, and avoiding the ingestion of eggs can help prevent and eliminate these parasites. Medication may also be recommended by a healthcare professional.

4. Fleas and Ticks

While not technically parasites that require internal cleansing, fleas and ticks are external parasites commonly found in Australia, particularly in areas with a warm climate. These tiny insects can infest pets and humans, causing itching, discomfort, and potentially transmitting diseases. Regularly using flea and tick control products on pets, regularly checking for and removing ticks, and maintaining a clean living environment can help prevent infestation and the need for cleansing.


Australians are increasingly turning to natural remedies for parasite cleansing, steering away from synthetic solutions. Traditional and proven herbal supplements such as Zeally Herbs Parasite Cleanse are gaining popularity for their reputed effectiveness in eliminating parasites while supporting the body's natural processes. This in combination with an anti-parasitic diet is a tried and tested solution.

How long does a parasite cleanse typically last?

A parasite cleanse typically lasts anywhere from 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the infestation and the specific cleanse protocol being followed. It is important to understand that the duration may vary as everyone's body and parasites are unique. However, we encourage a 10 day cleanse which can be extended to a “double cleanse” or 20 days should you feel the need.

During a parasite cleanse, the primary goal is to gently and effectively remove harmful parasites from the body. This is achieved through the use of various natural remedies and herbal formulations that have been specifically designed to target different types of parasites.

While there are many different cleanse protocols available, it is important to select one that suits your individual needs and preferences. A reputable herbalist or naturopath can guide you in choosing the most appropriate cleanse for your specific situation.

It is crucial to follow the cleanse protocol diligently and adhere to the recommended dosage instructions. Consistency is key to ensure that the parasites are effectively eliminated from the body.

During the cleanse, it is common to experience some mild detoxification symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or digestive upset. This is a normal part of the cleansing process as the body eliminates toxins and parasites. Staying well-hydrated, eating a nutritious diet, and getting plenty of rest can help support the body during this time.

Once the parasite cleanse is complete, it is beneficial to continue supporting the body's natural defenses against parasites through a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, stress management, and a balanced diet. Periodic maintenance cleanses may also be recommended to prevent future infestations and maintain optimal health.


A general diet that promotes overall digestive health may include foods that are rich in nutrients and have anti-parasitic properties. Here are some foods that we encourage incorporating into your diet:

  1. Garlic: Garlic has been associated with potential anti-parasitic properties. It contains allicin, which is believed to have antimicrobial effects.

  2. Ginger: Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, and it may have some anti-parasitic effects.

  3. Papaya Seeds: Some traditional remedies suggest that papaya seeds may help eliminate certain parasites. They contain an enzyme called papain, which is thought to have anti-parasitic properties.

  4. Pineapple: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which may have digestive benefits. Some people believe it has anti-parasitic properties, although scientific evidence is limited.

  5. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is often used for its potential antimicrobial properties. Some believe it may help combat certain parasites.

  6. Probiotic-Rich Foods: Foods like coconut yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health. A healthy gut environment may help prevent and manage parasitic infections.

  7. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are rich in zinc and other nutrients. Some traditional remedies suggest that they may have anti-parasitic properties.

  8. Turmeric: Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While there's limited evidence for its effectiveness against parasites, it may contribute to overall digestive health.

  9. Berries: Berries are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which can support digestive health.

The Benefits of a Parasite Cleanse

Embarking on a parasite cleanse offers numerous potential benefits for individuals looking to optimise their health:

  1. Digestive Health: A parasite cleanse can help alleviate digestive discomfort by eliminating parasites that may be causing issues like bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements.

  2. Enhanced Immunity: By eliminating parasites, the body's immune system can function more efficiently, reducing the risk of infections and promoting overall well-being.

  3. Increased Energy: Parasites can drain the body's resources, leading to fatigue and lethargy. Cleansing the body of these invaders may result in increased energy levels and vitality.

  4. Improved Nutrient Absorption: Parasites can interfere with nutrient absorption in the gut. Removing them can enhance the body's ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals from food.

  5. Skin Health: Some individuals may experience improvements in skin conditions such as acne or eczema after undergoing a parasite cleanse, as the body's internal balance is restored.


In the long run, if parasitic infections don’t get sufficient attention or go untreated, they may have serious and prolonged consequences, such as chronic pain, malnutrition and disease. If you suspect you have a severe parasitic infection we always encourage you speak to your GP and undertake proper testing.

Are there any specific precautions or considerations to take into account when doing a parasite cleanse in Australia?

When embarking on a parasite cleanse in Australia, it is important to be mindful of certain precautions and considerations to ensure a safe and effective experience.

  1. Choose reputable herbal products: Selecting high-quality herbal products from trusted herbalists is crucial. Look for products that offer purity, potency, and safety, and ensure they comply with Australian organic standards.

  2. Follow recommended dosage: When undertaking a parasite cleanse, always follow the recommended dosage provided by the product manufacturer or healthcare professional. Taking excessive amounts of herbal remedies can lead to adverse effects and unwanted interactions with medications.

  3. Stay well-hydrated: Adequate hydration supports the body's natural detoxification processes. Drink plenty of water throughout the cleanse to help flush out toxins and maintain optimal organ function.

  4. Support your digestive system: Supporting your digestive system during a parasite cleanse is essential. Incorporate fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet to promote regular bowel movements and eliminate waste effectively.

  5. Maintain a balanced diet: While cleansing, it is important to nourish your body with a well-balanced diet. Include lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of nutrient-dense foods to provide essential nutrients for overall wellness and support your body's natural immune response.

  6. Monitor your symptoms: Pay close attention to any changes in your health or symptoms during the cleanse. If you experience severe discomfort, allergic reactions, or persistent symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

  7. Practice good hygiene: Practicing good personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing, is important to minimize the risk of reinfection. Clean and sanitize food preparation areas, utensils, and surfaces to prevent cross-contamination.

  8. Be patient: Parasite cleanses may take time to yield results. It is essential to be patient and committed to the process. Stick to the recommended cleanse duration and continue taking the herbal remedies as advised.

Remember, a parasite cleanse is not a substitute for professional medical care. If you have specific health concerns or are on medication, consult your healthcare provider before undertaking a cleanse. By taking these precautions and considerations, you can support your body's natural detoxification process and promote overall well-being during a parasite



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